Monday, October 17, 2005

Good Old Days...A Flashback

This post is about all the discussions I had with my friends over the past 2 days. A discussion about how we are oriented so much to automobiles, though I am a System Administrator. And the credit of this particular post goes to Akshay's blog post of the day.

Ever since I am born, I am a person genuinely very fond of automobiles, strangely fascinated about the technology and drive fed into them by man.

Late 80's to Early 90's:

Keep drawing or trying to draw whatever I happened to see on road.


Start playing around with cycle/moped tyres. That was a trend. Amazing game. Take a stick for all guiding forces (Turning, Accelaration, Braking)


Push around a cycle as I didn't know how to ride one. The scene looks like a pet animal running with its master :P


Street-Hawk is the most gripping series of all times and really instigates me to drive similarly. I learn riding a moped and I try one street-hawk stunt and face the ground. The roads taste blood from the left half of my body.


First ride on a geared vehicle. The Bajaj 4S champion owned by my dad. The beginning of a new revolution. The racing era.


Psychological aversion to the moped. I happen to fall off a moped and consequently, co-incidentally though I fall sick with Jaundice, followed by Chicken Pox. That fall meant I never again touch the moped (at least till now).


The racing era gains momentum with a more powerful Hero Honda -CBZ


The worst yet stunning ever endurance ride. This may sound like foolishness, but our trip to Shirdi was accomplished in 62 hours, which includes 12 hours of rest at Shirdi. 2000 odd Kms. in 50 Hours!!! :o

Early 2005:

I have started off on one of the dream projects in automobiles line. My favorite. I just hope that this project clicks. This project has been in my minds for quite some time now. I expect that to be realised by 8 years down the lane

Late 2005:

Beginning of a four wheeler era. 2 Fast 2 Furious gets real into me. I now own what was once a real sport car on Indian roads, a Maruti Zen.

1 comment:

Akshay said...

u forgot making sound from your mouth and the long hours u did act like a bus driver haha