Sunday, May 01, 2005

MG Road .. Shocking!!

Safety of women in the city is at stake. Incidents of stalking, molestation and rape are on the rise. Leering men, standing at kiosks outside shopping complexes is a common sight around the busy, ‘up-market’ M G Road, Church Street and Brigade Road.

Women, who are subjected to all this and more, choose to keep quiet on most occasions. Even more shocking is the indifference of some of the city policemen who shrug away complaints from women.

Places around M G Road, Bangalore’s favourite hang out, are distinctly unsafe at night for women. The stretches which are not well lit are the major trouble spots, like Church Street or the M G Road pavement bordering Field Marshal Manekshaw Parade Ground which has a lush growth of plants for cover.

There are many instances where men just loiter or stand around on roadsides and leer at women. Many pass denigrating comments, and even walk away scot-free.

The policemen who patrol these areas do not help either. Most police constables seem indifferent or uninterested when it comes to women’s issues. Age is no barrier to these lechers. Middle aged women , young professionals or schoolgirls, they all stand threatened by their lewd behaviour.

Unless the city authorities wake up to this stark reality, Bangalore stands to lose the fair name it has always had.

Try This: Main Ek Ladki [Chori Chori]

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